How to Cite a Magazine in APA
- Tomas Elliott (Ph.D.)
- Published on 05/29/2024
Citing magazine articles in APA style requires attention to detail and adherence to specific guidelines to ensure proper formatting. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to cite different types of magazine articles using the APA format. The examples given are based on different scenarios involving the presence or absence of DOIs, URLs, and pagination information.
It’s important to include several key elements to ensure the reference is complete and allows readers to locate the original source. Each element has a specific role in the citation. The general format includes the following elements:
- Contributor: This is the person or group who made the article. Write their last name first, then their first and middle initials. If there’s more than one, put commas between their names and use “&” before the last person’s name. If it’s an organization, just write the full name of the organization instead of a person’s name.
- Publication Date: The publication date includes the year, followed by the full date (month and day) in parentheses. The format is (Year, Month Day).
- Title of the Article: The title of the article should be in sentence case, meaning only the first word of the title, the first word after a colon or dash, and any proper nouns are capitalized. It is not italicized or placed in quotation marks.
- Title of the Magazine: The title of the magazine should be in title case (all major words capitalized) and italicized.
- Volume Number (if available): The volume number should be italicized and followed directly by the issue number (if available) in parentheses.
- Issue Number (if available): The issue number, if available, should be placed in parentheses immediately after the volume number. It is not italicized.
- Page Extent: The page extents indicates the specific page(s) on which the article appears in the magazine. It should be written as a range (e.g., 981–982) or as a single page number if the article is on only one page.
- DOI or URL (if available): A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or URL provides a direct link to the article. A DOI should be included whenever available as it provides a permanent and reliable link. If a DOI is not available, a URL should be included, especially if the article is from an online source.
Magazine Article with a DOI
When a magazine article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be included in the reference. This is crucial for providing a permanent link to the article.
Citation |
Lucy, S. (2024, May 28). The future of urban farming. National Agriculture, 243(5), 50–55.
Structure |
Author. (Publication Date). Title of the Article. Title of the Magazine, Volume Number(Issue Number), Page Range. DOI
Magazine Article without a DOI or URL
If a magazine article does not have a DOI or a URL, the reference ends after the page extent.
Citation |
Patel, H., & Lee, J. (2024, May 28). Fashion in the digital age. Elle, 176(6), 42.
Structure |
Author. (Publication Date). Title of the Article. Title of the Magazine, Volume Number(Issue Number), Page Range.
Magazine Article without a DOI but with a URL
For magazine articles without a DOI but with a URL that resolves for readers (typically from online magazines), include the URL at the end of the reference. In some cases, magazine articles from online sources may not have volume, issue, and page numbers.
Citation |
Davies, S. (2024, May 28). Electric vehicles. Motor Trend.
Structure |
Author. (Publication Date). Title of the Article. Title of the Magazine. URL
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Title of the Magazine in Title Case: When citing a magazine article in APA style, remember to write the title of the magazine in title case. This means that all major words in the title should be capitalized. Using title case for the magazine title helps to distinguish it from the article title and maintains consistency in formatting throughout the citation. Additionally, ensure that the magazine title is italicized to adhere to APA style guidelines. This practice enhances the clarity and professionalism of your citation. Include DOI or URL: If the magazine article has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), include it in the citation. A DOI provides a permanent link to the article and enhances the accessibility of the source. If a DOI is not available, include the URL of the article if it can be accessed online. Providing a DOI or URL ensures that readers can easily locate the source. End Elements with a Period Before Adding DOI or URL: Ensure that every element in the citation before the DOI or URL ends with a period. This punctuation clearly separates each part of the citation, maintaining the correct APA format and enhancing readability. Avoid Ending with a Period when Using DOI or URL: When including a DOI or URL at the end of your citation, do not place a period after it. The DOI or URL should be the final element of the citation, and adding a period can interfere with the link functionality, making it harder for readers to access the source directly. Check for Accuracy: Double-check all the details in your citation for accuracy. Ensure that names are spelled correctly, dates are accurate, and all punctuation and formatting adhere to APA style guidelines. Accuracy is crucial in citation to give proper credit to the original source and maintain academic integrity. |
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